Politics - a subject.

Newspapers today are occupied by election news, parties alliances, constituency declarations etc. Very rarely we could see a different news. I happened to read one such news in a regional daily, last week. Not a big news, it was. Comprising just a ten lines. But the matter discussed was big enough for a research.

The news was about a school in Jharkand. Its been run by a Mr.Rajranjan,  former member of Congress party. It is no ordinary school. The school specialises in Politics. Its been named as Nedhagiri Vidhyalaya. 

Nedhagiri Vidhyalaya, is a part time school for Politics. Classes are held for two hours every Saturday. The course duration is six months.

This news turned me on because i had wondered how would it be if there was an institution, exclusively teaching Politics. Of course, Political Science is been offered as a subject in universities for Bachelors and Masters degree. But there is no specialised concern featuring Political Science. We have colleges for Engineering, Medical, Marine, Computers etc. But none for Politics.

We must remember that, we have given the world the bible of political administration, ARTHA SHASTRA. The great man named as Chanakya, born in India, has provided the world, an invaluable asset. With the knowledge of the book, one can rule the whole world.

Our country has produced such legends in Politics. But today, we must feel ashame that people going away from politics, considering it as the path for gundas and criminals. 

Youngsters today choose Engineering, Medicine, Information Technology as their career and profession. But why dont anyone even see politics as a career? Isnt it a profession? Doesnt politics offer good money? Its politicians who have all the money in the world today. We want to work in foreign countries or atleast for Multi National Companies, but we would not concentrate on our own country's administration. That is the reason for we are suffering from the fall of IT industry.

During the period of Independence, Politicians were almost Lawyers. They got the previlidge of forming the first ministries of India. But today, Politics is the lure for gundas, criminals, accused etc. Why does this happen? Only because we dont see Politics as a profession. Its just another career like Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers etc.

Just think how will it be if the students stepping out of their high school and choose Politics as their career, they get graduated in the subject and then they enter the nation's administration. 

I could not assure that the corruption would still be nullified. Because it would be alive till the man knind lives. But that can be limited. May be, the public interst is placed over the corruption.. I mean to say that,  the educated politician would know better than making his mistakes public. Atlest he would have a common sense and fear, within himself. Another major fact is, civil problems like communal and caste violence can be kept under control. That would help a lot for the national security. Because, this is hte root of Terrorism.

Youth must consider politics as their career. Just think guys, we could not enjoy this freedom, if Gandhiji, Subash Chandra Bose and Nehru would have placed their personal life at the top of the nation. 

Its high time we take action over the national adminstration. The nation is speeding on the track of development. But it has no proper control. If this continues, then we are the one, who will have to face the consequencews. Just like the downfall of IT industry. The people who are responsible for such a condition would not be affected at all.

Wake up guys. Lets start a new era. Take the responsibility in our hands. Drive the nation in the path of glory. History awaits us. 

Jai Hind.

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